Viewing Vessel Cabin | British Columbia, CAN

CABINS Challenge Competition Entry (2018)

CABINS Competition Finalist - Polytown Media

Personal Contributions: Cabin design, visualization, landscape design, 3D environmental modeling.

Collaboration with Ben Emery

This cabin was submitted to an architectural visualization competition intended to feature small-scale architecture in fully modeled 3D environments.

Six modules come together to create a viewing ‘vessel’-- a space where the inhabitant is simultaneously connected to the land, sea and sky. The wood-clad volumes create a simple linear form that sits lightly on the land and hovers over the water.

The landscape was inspired by British Columbia: vast mountain ranges, deep lakes, lush forests and the occasional glimpse of the aurora borealis. The cabin responds to this condition with limited, but direct apertures that frame a series of views.


Floor Plan - Drawing by Ben Emery

View from water approach

Front view of cabin from water

View from entry through kitchen and living space

View from living space out to deck and water

View through central lightwell

View from bedroom out to surrounding forest